Welcome to Meenakshi Decor! We want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. If you need to return or Returns an item, please review our policy below:
You can return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. If the return is due to an error on our part (such as receiving an incorrect or defective item), we will cover the return shipping costs.
To initiate a return, please contact our customer service team at info@meenakshidecor.com to request return authorization. Once your return is approved, we will provide instructions on how to send the item back.
Items must be returned in their original condition and packaging, with all tags attached, to qualify for a refund. We reserve the right to refuse returns that do not meet these requirements.
If you wish to return an item for a different size, color, or style, please contact us at info@meenakshidecor.com to request an Returns authorization. Upon approval, you will receive instructions for returning the original item and placing a new order for the replacement.
Returns are subject to availability. If the item you want is out of stock, we will issue a refund for the returned item and notify you when the new item becomes available for purchase.
Damaged or Defective Items
If your item arrives damaged or defective, please contact us at info@meenakshidecor.com within 7 days of receiving your order. We will arrange for a replacement or refund, depending on the situation.
After we receive and inspect your return, we will process your refund within 5 business days. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method. Please note that it may take additional time for your bank or credit card company to process and reflect the refund in your account.
Non-Returnable Items
Certain items are not eligible for return or Returns , including:
- Gift cards
- Clearance or sale items
- Personalized or custom-made items
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our Return & Returns Policy, please reach out to our customer service team through our contact page. We are here to help!
By purchasing from our website, you agree to the terms of this Return & Returns Policy.